National Science and Technology Support Program Advanced Manufacturing Sector Project Passed Acceptance

Recently, the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology organized experts in Beijing to conduct an acceptance of the “12-Five” National Science and Technology Support Program advanced manufacturing field project “Key Technology Research and Demonstration Application for Construction Machinery Industry”. The project was organized and implemented by the China Machinery Industry Federation. The project results have consolidated the quality foundation of China's construction machinery products, improved the level of intelligence of construction machinery and equipment, supported the technological progress of the industry and the overall level of improvement, and achieved different areas of Demonstration application.

In accordance with the "National Science and Technology Support Plan Management Measures" and the "National Science and Technology Support Program Special Fund Management Measures" and other relevant regulations, the acceptance expert group listened to the project leader's report on the implementation of the project, reviewed relevant materials and watched the project results demonstration, after questioning And discussion, that the project completed the main tasks and indicators specified, and passed the acceptance.

The project is aimed at high-end engineering machinery equipment such as excavators, all-terrain engineering vehicles, cement pavement resonance crushers and building sheet robots in China's domestic construction machinery industry. The design and manufacturing process of high-end hydraulic components, transmission components and control systems are carried out. The research on performance testing, fault detection platform and experimental equipment optimization has broken through the key technical bottlenecks of industrialization key infrastructure and complete system of engineering machinery industry; developed intelligent controller and a batch of engineering machinery equipment, and improved the high-end engineering of domestic enterprises. The design capability and independent innovation level in the mechanical field have achieved good social and economic benefits.

These auxiliary brush machines are designed for automatically trimming and flagging the brooms and brushes with flat or curved profiles. Different brushes may need different models of trimming and flagging machines. And dust suction unit is included to remove dust and waste material and keep the machine clean. Working together with the brush making machines, these trimming and flagging machines can reduce the production processes and give an extraordinary high output of finished products.

Brush Trimming And Flagging Machine

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Yangzhou Haixing CNC Brush Machine Co., Ltd. ,