Semper Centrifugal Dehydrator Market Demand Increases in Recent Years

In recent years, under the background of the country's vigorous advocacy of “green production”, the domestic coal preparation plant has continuously increased the demand for “LWZ-type centrifugal dewatering machine”, which is the leading product of Tangshan Senpu's closed circuit circulation of coal washing water. After research and development, Tangshan Senpu launched the LWZ(A) series second-generation sediment filter centrifugal dewaterer based on the “LWZ centrifugal dewatering machine”. This dewatering machine has the characteristics of reasonable centrifugal strength, low power consumption, large processing capacity, and good process indicators. It can replace advanced centrifugal products from abroad and is more suitable for China's coal quality. The price is only six times that of foreign products. one. According to actual production estimates, a centrifuge can increase the user's annual income by 10 million yuan. At present, the product's domestic market share (including imported products) exceeds 95%.

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